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Merging PRs

Reviewing PRs

  • Consider installing the GitHub CLI tool. It makes much of this workflow simpler.
  • Fetch the PR branch to your local repository: gh pr checkout PR_ID
  • Make review comments based on local review.
  • Remember to switch back to whichever branch you want to resume work on.

Merging PRs

  • Contributors should make all their changes on a development branch. They are free to make as many in-progress commits as they need, but should aim for a final atomic PR.
  • Contributors should create a PR on GitHub.
    • In the initial comment box when opening a PR, contributors should make any comments about the changes they've made that would help in code review.
  • When appropriate, a maintainer will merge the PR, using squash and merge through the GitHub interface.
    • In the comment box for the Confirm squash and merge step, write a one-line commit message summarizing the PR, appropriate for one-line git log output.
    • For more significant PRs, write a longer message summarizing the major points of what was done. When you're finished writing the message, please delete the bullet points from the individual commits in the PR.
  • Everyone pulls changes to their local main branch: git pull origin main